For those who love travel, who hate to be tied down, who want to wander aimlessly throughout the world, throughout all different kinds of places and cultures then there is little more draining than standing still, than remaining stagnant in one area especially if one cannot afford the alluring life of being a travelling nomad, if you’ve got ties and responsibilities in your current place of residence.  

It’s understandable – travelling is something amazing. It’s no wonder that gap years are so common, that we want to cover every inch of the world, to leave a footprint in every area. It’s also understandable that not all of us can really accomplish this – maybe due to age, a lack of money, having responsibilities. Thus, the aim of this blog article will be to explore what people can do, how you can scratch your travel itch affordably and stress-free. 

  1. 1. Travel does not need to be and shouldn’t be limited by global ventures 
When you’re considering a holiday destination it is easy to be lured into £200-flights and £700 package deal holidays. Sipping your beverage of choice on a 5-star hotel destination is a hard thing to resist, however, you can definitely find cheaper and more fulfilling locations in your home turf: bring some friends, make a road trip out of it! Bring homemade lunches and whatever drink you’ve been saving at home. For a much cheaper alternative consider beaches, and same-city getaways. You never know what jewels you’re missing out on that are right under your nose! 

  1. 2. Don’t limit what you can experience to solely travel 
The world is so vast and so to limit what you can experience solely to wherever you venture to can be a total missed opportunity. If you find yourself missing a “oomph” or a desire of culture that you can’t experience from flying or travelling through other means, then consider experiencing that culture through different means such as food. It doesn’t have to be an expensive restaurant that you visit every week, it can be free recipes online or buying cookbooks. You can also consider picking up the language (there are some great Chrome extensions for picking up words and phrases!). Both are great ways to immerse yourself in a new culture and can definitely highlight a new appreciation.  

  1. 3. Form a blog or creative outlet for your interest 
Frustration is understandable when you’re feeling stuck or stagnant. It can be agitating when you feel like the world is moving and you’re stuck in the mud sinking as everyone else progresses. I think it’s a natural feeling – I’ve certainly been there. Frustration is natural and so, I believe everyone could utilise a healthy outlet for this frustration. I’m recommending a blog or journal – something that is undeniably yours. It can be easy to be hung up on comparisons (someone I know is engaged! Someone got a promotion! Someone is going to my dream destination!) and feeling like you’re falling behind on your accomplishments – but you’re not. Much like any flight: some are dreams, some are disasters, some are postponed but ultimately, you’ll reach your destination. Journaling how you feel, taking a note of where you want to go and why I think can alleviate your feelings and instead of being stuck in the present, it means you can plan your dream future. 

Those are all my suggestions for today! Do you have a dream destination? Or do you have your own method of dealing with being unable to travel? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know! 
