5 social media management tools that will save you time

Do you waste a lot of time browsing and managing your brand's social media channels? You don't know how to deal with it? There is too much choice on the internet, and you don't know which one to choose? Which one is the best? I have reviewed a few of them and hope it will help you to decide.

I considered only those tools that offer managing of more than one channel of social media. Below you will find 5 social media management tools that you should know.


If I am not mistaken, it was one of the first tools of this type. Hootsuite greatly improves the workflow for people who need to manage several social media profiles. Continuous switching between tabs is quite tedious, and here we can connect our profiles to one application, and we have everything in one place. In the free version we have the opportunity to connect 3 different profiles, but that's enough to improve your work. In addition to being able to reply to any posts, messages or mentions, we have a number of additional options, such as in-depth real-time analytics, extensive post planning. The plus is also that Hootsuite has mobile applications and additional browser plugins, which greatly facilitates work.


A similar tool to Hootsuite only less extensive. It has the ability to track profiles and plan content. In addition, we find here the Pablo add-on, which allows you to create simple graphics to use on your profiles (I have mentioned it, in the previous post. If you haven`t read it – give it a try Click here) Unfortunately, in the case of a free account, we can track only one profile, which will not help us much. Buffer also has mobile applications and a tool for shortening and tracking links. However, when it comes to analytics, it is available, but only in higher plans. Downsides can definitely include limiting the number of posts per profile.


Postplanner advertises itself as 'social media intelligence', but is that really so? One thing is certain - it limits the time you spend on social media channels. In addition to post planning, just like its predecessors, it also allows you to search content on channels other than yours. Content can be searched by hashtags, key phrases or manually. The system will also prompt us with suggested content based on search history and our profiles. The tool also has a very nice add-on that analyses how long the posts appearing on our channels have the largest conversion. Thanks to this, we can be even more effective. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to test the tool - there is no free plan.


Everypost is another great tool. Its operation is similar to previous ones; however, it offers the possibility of connecting (only and exclusively) Facebook and Twitter profiles. At Everypost we will create and plan content publications. We also have the ability to analyse content. If you choose this tool, then you can test it for 14 days. The tool also has mobile applications for iOS and Android.


That tool works completely different from the others in this combination. The most important for some may be the fact that this tool is completely free. Unfortunately, you have to spend some time at the very beginning to configure everything. The IFTTT tool is really used to automate processes between applications that you use every day. In short, it works like this: you publish a post on Facebook, and the IFTTT tool automatically detects it and also publishes the post on Twitter. Isn`t that great?

That`s all for today. If you liked this topic, be sure to let me know and I will create more similar posts. Enjoy your weekend Digibackapers! <3