Hello Digibackpackers! 

Today I would like to talk to you about the top 8 travel photography tips which can make your photography game strong. Before starting this blog, we’ve visited a lot of places and came up with a bunch of useful tips. 

1.Pre-Trip location check 

Whenever you’re planning for a trip, always check the locations where you want to go and what all places do you want to visit in prior. It always helps in getting to know the best location for clicking pictures or shoot videos in your selected destination. 
2. Get up early in the morning 

The one who gets up early in the morning gets the best pictures. For travel photography, you should always pack things which are light in weight as light weight is the most vital ingredient for good travel photography Getting up early means that you’ll get to take care of fewer tourists and alternative photographers.  

3. Don’t forget about the human touch in the picture  

Human touch gives an emotional touch to the story and the image itself so always try involving people in your videos or images.  
4. Go explore unknown places, get lost in the location.  

Sometimes roaming without a planned destination is fun in itself. Just get lost intentionally and explore the places whatever comes in your way. That’s the best adventure anyone can ask for. 
5. Be patient  

Photography is a very tough and tiring job. The most important thing that is required for being a good photographer is PATIENCE. Keep your calm down and wait for the perfect moment to take the shot.  

6. Don’t carry very heavy equipment’s 

You don't need to carry the heavy camera’s, cranes or the drones every time as you can click images with phones as well. Keep it simple and comfy. The more luggage you have, the more difficult it will be for you to capture pictures. 

7. Use Smart Apps 

There are a lot of apps in the market which help you in editing pictures or videos, images, etc. Here’s a list of the best image editing apps: 

  • - Adobe Photoshop fix 
  • - Clipart 
  • - Lightroom CC 
  • -  Pixlr 
  • - Quickshot 

8. Follow other photographers 

Before going to the destination, try checking out the images which have been clicked by the photographers who have already visited that place. It gives an idea about the best angles, locations, best time to click pictures, etc. 
Those are all my suggestions for today! I really hope that you will find them useful, but remember at the end of the day it’s all about enjoying your time while traveling, and if something goes wrong try to laugh it off and don’t worry about it! 