Hello my Digi backpackers!
Let’s continue with the mission on how to transform you into successful digital nomads. As you may have understood by the title, today’s lesson is about: hashtags. As some of you may know, hashtags are very important tools when your goal is reaching a wider and targeted audience. This blogpost is focused on Instagram, as in this social network it’s all about #them. Instagram offers plenty of characters under a photo (precisely, 2200) and among these you can insert your niche hashtags.
Which ones to choose?
Choosing the right hashtags can really help you in finding the audience you aim to get to, because it’s through them that you can reach people that are interested in your content. When selecting accurate hashtags you have the opportunity to appear in the top posts of a given section. Moreover at the moment users can follow hashtags on Instagram, not just accounts, so that they might get to you through this tool. What is really important when choosing which ones to put in your description is avoiding “too big” hashtags, that is to say those which have been used from important numbers of people (above 1 million). If not, it will be very hard, let’s say impossible, to sky-rocket the top posts of the section you’re trying to emerge from and creators with more followers will overtake you. What is recommended is to create a mix of hashtags (you are allowed to maximum 30), that is to say: start with the very niche, small ones (up to 20k posts), proceed to the “inbetweeners” (up to 100k) and then finally conclude with the big, broad ones. The niche ones should be the majority and the broad ones the minority. And most important, be sure to use relevant hashtags that are genuinely related to your content, as users of Instagram can now mark your posts if they think they don’t fit into the right category and having too many of your photos or videos marked will leave you far behind in the algorithm, which is dangerous for your brand.
Where to find THE ONE(s)
A little tip to find the right hashtags: insert in the Instagram’s search bar the hashtag that you like (remember to mix dimensions!), then select “Tags” (the third option, beside “Accounts”) and swipe to discover suggestions for many more related to the same sector. Under each tag you can see the number of posts in which it has been used. Be sure not to use always the same one because the Instagram algorithm hides your posts from the feed if you do, as you result “spammy”. Useless to say that you should avoid the annoying hashtags: #likeforlike, #followforfollow , #followme et cetera. By doing some research you might also run into pages about digital nomads that share and re-post people’s stories and content: by using their branded hashtags you might get the chance to be featured in these pages, which always helps in finding your niche, target audience.
How many should you put?
Regarding the number of hashtags that you can insert, as previously stated you’re allowed to 30, but some recommend not to use all of them as it looks funny and quite irritating. In my opinion a trick is to separate them from your post’s description by leaving a big space or by doing a vertical series of dots so that they don’t result “visually annoying” and people will only see them if they want to read your whole description. It would be a bit of a waste not to use all of the hashtags that you’re offered, but do it only if you can find niche ones that relate to your brand and sector.
Ok, Digi backpackers, I hope that you enjoyed today’s lesson and if you need more help don’t hesitate to contact me!
What is your experience with hashtags so far? Did you know about some of the tips already? Have you got anything to add?
To the next blogpost,